Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leaps and Bounds!!

On Monday, the weather was absolutely gorgeous outside, so I decided to throw out my commitment to the treadmill and see where my feet could take me in the great outdoors. I figured I'd probably lose a little distance but being outside and getting some much needed vitamin D was worth the loss, in my mind. I decided to just repeat the previous workout from week 5 and see if I could do it.

Surprisingly, the world and my lungs were on my side - I started out walking at a great pace for a warmup and didn't lose my breath at all. I started jogging for my first 5 minute stretch and it was like magic - something has happened in between now and the last time I attempted to run outside and it was a beautfiul thing! I ran for my 5 minutes without stopping, and I felt like I could have gone longer, so on the next stretch I did, and it felt wonderful. Something about running and having that sunshine on your shoulders is just amazing. I went from my house to 32nd street in Ogden then back down Harrison Blvd for a total time of 30 mins. I had no idea how far I went, so I retraced my steps with my car and was shocked, to say the least. I went exactly 3 miles! I thought I would lose speed outside, but instead I gained it!

Later that day I paid a little - turns out my lungs were not so happy and not so ready. I had a cough for the rest of the day but that run was 100% worth it! Now the sun needs to just get its butt back outside so I can go explore my neighborhoods once more.

Today I returned to the treadmill somewhat begrudgingly, longing to be back outside, but excited to see where it could take me today. I also got some cork wedges put into my shoes to help with my super pronation, so after my run the other day I have blisters on my heels from the adjustment and I KNOW I am dedicated because they are quite painful to walk in, let alone run! Here is my workout for today:

Brisk 5 minute warm up walk, then:
Jog 3/4 mile (8 minutes)
Walk 1/2 mile (8 minutes)
Jog 3/4 mile (8 minutes)
Walk 1/2 mile (5 minutes)
Jog 3/4 mile (8 minutes)
After being outside, the treadmill is quite boring, as there is nothing to distract myself with, so I tend to focus on the time. My first 4 segments were quite strong, and I was feeling great. The last 8 minutes was tough, and I had to turn on the TV to try to take my attention off of the time, as it seemed to slow down to a crawl! I keep telling myself it's mind over matter, and if I focus on that I can pull through. I have made a commitment to stick to my program no matter what unless my body is in obvious decline and I am afraid of an injury.
It's all too easy to ease off and use asthma as an excuse, when really it's my mind that wants to pull back and be lazy. My good ole lungs are quite the troopers, as they keep going even when they don't really want to! They are good to let me know when enough is enough, but surprisingly, that doesn't happen very often. I think sometimes it's really easy to blame our weaknesses on illness, whether chronic or acute, and if we can get our minds to stay strong, our bodies are a lot tougher than we give them credit for.
I feel like I have made "Leaps and Bounds" as far as my progress goes this week. I was a little slower today on the treadmill, but I added another 1/2 mile, finishing up with 3.5 miles in 45 minutes. If the weather gets better I am going to stay outside, because I think the treadmill controls my pace too much, and when I do what feels good outside I go further. I think there is something to be said for that - the sun is such a healing power, and I think it helps to push me further than I think I can go. Plus, if I have no idea how far I am going I won't hold myself back.
I am going to try out a 5K this weekend to see how it goes. My next workout for week 5 is to jog 2 miles straight with no walking so I'll do that there and get a feel for what it's like running with other people.
Sorry this post was a little long, but I have a lot to say about my progress this week. :) OOH! I almost left out the best part! I am officially a size 4 once again!! There was a time last year when I thought I would never fit into those jeans again, and now that the moment is here I still don't know what to think. This is a very happy time in my life and I am loving every minute! I have the Couch Potato to 5K program to thank, as well as my own will and strength that I didn't know was in me.

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