Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week One

Week One:

The Workout: Brisk 5 minute warm up walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. This is to be done 3 days throughout the week, preferably with a day of rest in between.

I am excited, but nervous. I like knowing that I have options, and that my workout will change week to week, so I will never know what to expect, and therefore I will not get bored. Plus, it's only 20 minutes. Totally doable, right?

Day One: I get dressed and do some quick stretches. I take my waterbottle, phone, and ipod and place them on the old but trusty treadmill we own. I need to find some good workout music, so I start with a party playlist made a few years ago for my birthday. Pretty good, although I definitely need to make a workout playlist - you can most certainly tell I do not workout often!

I start out at a moderate pace, walking for my warmup. I'm feeling pretty good! I make it through the workout, and my lungs don't hurt at all. I have to say I was pretty impressed with my ability. I feel like I could have done more, and it feels great!

Day Two: Really, really hard to get going! It's not that I'm in pain, but I just don't have the motivation this time. I give myself a little pep talk and tell myself that the hardest part is getting dressed. Once I make it through that I can do anything, and it turns out I am right! I'm a lot more sluggish today though and though I am doing the same workout it takes me 8 minutes longer. I'm a little frustrated with my body but not defeated, and that's what counts.

Day Three: Again, it's hard to get going but today I do a little envisioning. I imagine how good I will feel knowing I completed my first set of 3 in one week, and I imagine my jeans fitting a little bit better. That's enough motivation to get me dressed and on the treadmill, and I even improved my time by 3 minutes! Whoo hoo!!

At the end of week one I am feeling good - the workouts were simple to complete and my lungs did not give me one bit of trouble. I am starting to think I can really do this, and it's a great feeling!

As promised, here is the link to the Couch Potato to 5K website:

Now on to week 2.

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