Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week Three

The Workout: Brisk 5 minute warm up walk. Then 2 repetitions of the following:
- Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
- Walk 200 yard (or 90 seconds)
- Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
- Walk 400 yards (or 3 minutes)

Seems easy enough, but as we will find out, I did not learn my lesson from week 2.

Day One: The weather really is beautiful out, and I am itching to get outside, so I decide to give it one more shot. This time, I'm going to stay level and go the west, so I will be going downhill. The results? I did it, but I did not go as fast as I should have, ending up with 1.5 miles in 27 minutes for today. Still, at least I'm doing it.

Day Two: The weather is icky again (it's actually snowing!) and we have some really bad news. The treadmill needs a new belt, so at the moment it is unusable. Now, honestly, how many of you readers would feel like giving up, or giving yourself a break until it's fixed? I know I sure did. In fact, I skipped my workout that day. It felt great when I did, but I later regretted it. Big time. I feel like I let myself down. I have a gym membership, and I could have used it. But I was unwilling to defy one little challenge and I let myself go. What does this say about me as a person? This is something I definitely need to change.

After acknowledging my transgression, I made up my workout, completing 1.75 miles in 27 minutes. Maybe that burning desire to FINISH this fueled the longer distance. All I know is that it feels good.

Day Three: I again increased my mileage, obtaining 1.88 miles in 27 minutes. At the beginning of the week, it was very hard to jog for 3 minutes, and I will admit I had to push an extra workout in this week, just to keep up. I feel like I am pushing my lungs harder than I ever have before, and it's so rough some days. I am being very careful not to overdo it, because I do not want to be held back by an injury of any kind.

I have started drinking a post workout smoothie and it really helps. I am also doing yoga once or twice a week, and it helps keep my hamstrings and hip flexors nice and loose, as they seem to get very tight while I'm jogging. I have more energy, and have actually dropped a pant size. I haven't lost any weight, but it seems my body is thinning out in all the right places. I am gaining more confidence in myself, and overall life is pretty great!

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