Saturday, April 10, 2010

And So It Begins...

In order to understand what I am about to do, you must first understand a few things about me:

1. I have never EVER in my life jogged, skipped, shuffled, or run one mile without stopping.

2. I have never in my life done any form of cardiovascular exercise, aside from softball in the 4th grade.

Why? I have asthma, and I have let it hold me back. I could give you a bunch of excuses as to why my asthma has held me back, but let's be adults here. I have LET it hold me back. Asthma is not a person; therefore it cannot be blamed. Sure, it can contribute to my failures, but it is not wholly to blame. I am.

So what am I about to do? I am going to take a journey, as an asthmatic, from Couch Potato to 5K. I ran across this a while back and thought it would be fun to try, and what better place to start than a couch potato - it could very well be equivalent to an asthmatic, right?

The truth is, I want to do something a lot of people, including myself, would never expect me to be able to do, just so I can say I did it. I have actually already started this program and am in week 4. I was thinking yesterday while on the treadmill that I should blog my experiences and what I have learned so far. It has been an amazing journey to this point and I know it will only get better.

I don't know if this will be interesting for other people to read, but at least it's a kind of diary for me to track my experiences and feelings throughout this process that I feel will be life-changing. I will not let myself down and am looking forward to the finish line!

For those of you who want to "see" the transformation, I will attach a picture of me closest to the time I started the Couch Potato to 5K program near the end of January 2010. I will post a link to the actual website's program on each post so readers can check it out if they choose to do so.

Here we go!!

1 comment:

  1. YAY YOU!! Today amy invited me to join you guys training and preparing for the relay in vegas. I all too quickly used my asthma as a cop out. I do it all the time, it's just habit. She told me that you have asthma too, but i held firm on my NO. Then minutes after hanging up the phone I realized what I was doing. I was letting it take me over. Your post was exactly how i felt this morning. I watch BL and those people have asthma, diabetes and a world of other complications yet they are all able to overcome it. I immediately called amy back, I won't be able to meet you guys tonight and likely won't do the run in vegas, BUT I am going to take charge of my own life too. I'm glad you are doing this because you will be my inspiration!
