Sunday, September 12, 2010

Short Journey, LONG Way!

Wow, it sure has been a while since I have posted on my BLOG – sorry to anyone who was reading it – if anyone was! This has been a crazy busy summer and I am happy to say that while I have slacked on my blog updates, I have not slacked in running. I'll do a few quick updates to get you caught up...

My FIRST 5K didn't go as well as I hoped, but it was successful nonetheless. It was an overcast day, and we ran HILLS the whole time. It totally SUCKED. Here are some pics from my first 5K - Shadow Valley, Ogden in May 2010:

Overall, I think it went pretty well. My final time was 38:29, so not the greatest time, but at least I did it!

The next event we did was a 5K walk for The National MS Society to support my sister, Holly, who was just diagnosed with MS this year. There were over 4,000 people there and it was quite amazing to see us all walking through the streets of Salt Lake. Here are the pics:
Then, on June 12th, I did another 5K for McKay-Dee’s 100 year anniversary. I was feeling pretty confident, since I had been doing a lot of running and wanted to beat my previous 5K time. Sadly, it was not to be. We woke up that morning to torrential winds and threatening skies. Not to be outdone by a little weather, we all bundled up and pressed on… the course was mostly uphill with strong winds.

I struggled with the darn hill (all the way up Harrison Blvd from 24th street to 42nd st) and had to walk a lot of the way. When I finished and saw that I did NOT beat my previous time I broke down crying, right at the finish line! It was a memorable 5K, to say the least!
So that's what has been going on - I am now training for the Ragnar Relay in October of this year. I sometimes wonder why I committed to do something so hard so soon, but I might as well go all in - or I might never do it. I will post more on that later.
Thanks for reading!

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