Thursday, November 11, 2010


A couple of months ago I made a very BIG decision - one that was going to hurt me or help me, and it was a very SCARY decision to make! In the midst of training for the Ragnar Relay I quit taking my prescribed asthma medications. ALL of them except for my Albuterol inhaler (Crazy does not = death wish).

I decided to replace these meds with all natural nutritional supplements, formulated by a local company here in Ogden that has specialized in natural nutrition for over 30 years and has had astounding success. It makes sense that in order to HEAL the body, you have to address what is making is dysfunctional. In my case, it's my immune system. It's attacking the good tissue, mistaking it for bad. My poor body is just confused and needs a little kick in the right direction!

So I started taking GUARDIAN ( times per day and supplemented it with BREATHE ( in place of my ADVAIR Diskus, Xyzal, and Singulair. EEK! After having been on these since about the age of 9 or earlier, this was a HUGE step!

I documented my progress in my Runkeeper App on my phone, and basically, I LOST about a mile of endurance and a minute per mile of speed in the first 2 weeks, but had gained it all back and even ADDED speed by week 4! HOLY CRAP THIS IS AMAZING STUFF! For those of you who have asthma I think you can understand - we rely on our medications to SAVE us, and all they do is MASK the symptoms. In another month or 2, I will not even have to take GUARDIAN anymore - my body has effectively HEALED itself.

I feel like I have experienced a MIRACLE, to say the least. I am so, so grateful to Dr. Millet for taking the time to introduce me to his wonderful product line.

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