Sunday, May 27, 2012

Being Me.

Over the past few years, I have done a lot.  To some, it may look like I am searching for something, or that I'm not satisfied, or that I don't know what I want, and I have actually heard this from people in my life.  But to those who know me well, I am just being me.  

I have a lot of hats.  We all know this.  I am a yoga instructor, natural nutrition educator, an insurance specialist, a runner, a hiker, and in the recent and distant pasts I have been a server, a medical transcriptionist, a receptionist, a physical therapy aide and manager.  I think that about covers it.  If I missed any I'm sure you'll let me know.  ;0)  

A lot of people may think that's an awful lot of hats to wear or have worn in my short lifetime, but to me it's essential.  Why?  First of all, I look back at the many, many relationships I have made and wonderful friendships I now have because of the things I have done.  I am also insanely grateful for the learning experiences I have had through each one of my occupations.  I can truly say they each played a part in shaping me into the person I am today.  I would in no way be able to handle the stressors I am faced with each day if I didn't have the skills I acquired along my journey.  

I feel a great purpose and great balance in my chosen paths, and I embrace them fully.  I have many talents and exploring each of those is important to me - I know who I am and I love discovering and nurturing the different aspects of my being.  

Some people may think that I'm a bit unstable, and that's okay.  I think that I am a little different from most people, and that is just fine with me.  I enjoy being who I am, I enjoy the fullness of life I experience, and most of all, I enjoy the people and relationships I build along the way.  I enjoy this beautiful land I live in and the ability I have to choose, to be free, and to be me.  I feel so blessed to have the wonderful experiences I have had and have yet to enjoy, and I thank you all for being a part of my life, big or small.  


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