Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leaps and Bounds!!

On Monday, the weather was absolutely gorgeous outside, so I decided to throw out my commitment to the treadmill and see where my feet could take me in the great outdoors. I figured I'd probably lose a little distance but being outside and getting some much needed vitamin D was worth the loss, in my mind. I decided to just repeat the previous workout from week 5 and see if I could do it.

Surprisingly, the world and my lungs were on my side - I started out walking at a great pace for a warmup and didn't lose my breath at all. I started jogging for my first 5 minute stretch and it was like magic - something has happened in between now and the last time I attempted to run outside and it was a beautfiul thing! I ran for my 5 minutes without stopping, and I felt like I could have gone longer, so on the next stretch I did, and it felt wonderful. Something about running and having that sunshine on your shoulders is just amazing. I went from my house to 32nd street in Ogden then back down Harrison Blvd for a total time of 30 mins. I had no idea how far I went, so I retraced my steps with my car and was shocked, to say the least. I went exactly 3 miles! I thought I would lose speed outside, but instead I gained it!

Later that day I paid a little - turns out my lungs were not so happy and not so ready. I had a cough for the rest of the day but that run was 100% worth it! Now the sun needs to just get its butt back outside so I can go explore my neighborhoods once more.

Today I returned to the treadmill somewhat begrudgingly, longing to be back outside, but excited to see where it could take me today. I also got some cork wedges put into my shoes to help with my super pronation, so after my run the other day I have blisters on my heels from the adjustment and I KNOW I am dedicated because they are quite painful to walk in, let alone run! Here is my workout for today:

Brisk 5 minute warm up walk, then:
Jog 3/4 mile (8 minutes)
Walk 1/2 mile (8 minutes)
Jog 3/4 mile (8 minutes)
Walk 1/2 mile (5 minutes)
Jog 3/4 mile (8 minutes)
After being outside, the treadmill is quite boring, as there is nothing to distract myself with, so I tend to focus on the time. My first 4 segments were quite strong, and I was feeling great. The last 8 minutes was tough, and I had to turn on the TV to try to take my attention off of the time, as it seemed to slow down to a crawl! I keep telling myself it's mind over matter, and if I focus on that I can pull through. I have made a commitment to stick to my program no matter what unless my body is in obvious decline and I am afraid of an injury.
It's all too easy to ease off and use asthma as an excuse, when really it's my mind that wants to pull back and be lazy. My good ole lungs are quite the troopers, as they keep going even when they don't really want to! They are good to let me know when enough is enough, but surprisingly, that doesn't happen very often. I think sometimes it's really easy to blame our weaknesses on illness, whether chronic or acute, and if we can get our minds to stay strong, our bodies are a lot tougher than we give them credit for.
I feel like I have made "Leaps and Bounds" as far as my progress goes this week. I was a little slower today on the treadmill, but I added another 1/2 mile, finishing up with 3.5 miles in 45 minutes. If the weather gets better I am going to stay outside, because I think the treadmill controls my pace too much, and when I do what feels good outside I go further. I think there is something to be said for that - the sun is such a healing power, and I think it helps to push me further than I think I can go. Plus, if I have no idea how far I am going I won't hold myself back.
I am going to try out a 5K this weekend to see how it goes. My next workout for week 5 is to jog 2 miles straight with no walking so I'll do that there and get a feel for what it's like running with other people.
Sorry this post was a little long, but I have a lot to say about my progress this week. :) OOH! I almost left out the best part! I am officially a size 4 once again!! There was a time last year when I thought I would never fit into those jeans again, and now that the moment is here I still don't know what to think. This is a very happy time in my life and I am loving every minute! I have the Couch Potato to 5K program to thank, as well as my own will and strength that I didn't know was in me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week Five!

Yes! I am officially at the halfway point. It feels great, but I am SO nervous for what's to come. This week I have been slacking a little bit - I'm still doing my runs but I'm not sticking to my schedule.

On Monday I finished up week 4, feeling a bit apprehensive considering how hard last week was for me. I was listening to The Used, thinking about the support I got from Melissa and Rosa, and the lyrics from one of their songs urged me on: "Today it felt, it felt better - just knowing this matters, I just feel stronger..." It's amazing what a little support from friends and music can do for you! I finished up the week coming in strong at 2.3 miles in 30 minutes. :)

This morning I got up ready and excited for my run, and this is what I saw out my window:
Seriously?? SNOW? Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised because we DO live in Utah, and in the past 24 hours we've had sun, rain, hail, and lightning, so why not add snow to the mix? The snow outside my window was a major roadblock for me. It is SO hard to get motivated when you'd rather stay inside! One thing that has helped me when I'm lacking motivation is to just tell myself that the hardest part is getting dressed - once I get dressed it's that much easier to get out the door!

Also, another tidbit I wanted to insert was that last week when I had to stop because I couldn't breathe, I asked my doctor when I went in for my allergy shots if there is anything I could do to help that, and she said to just use my Albuterol inhaler about 15 mins before exercising - I thought to myself, "Well DUH," but I hadn't been doing it. It works WONDERS for my lungs. My endurance has doubled and I am so happy about it!

Okay, on to today's workout. Here's what it was:
Brisk 5 minute warm up walk, then:
Jog 1/2 mile (5 minutes)
Walk 1/4 mile (3 minutes)
Jog 1/2 mile (5 minutes)
Walk 1/4 mile (3 minutes)
Jog 1/2 mile (5 minutes)

I have discovered that my mind has a LOT to do with how well I do during my runs. If I start thinking about my lungs and worrying that I won't be able to finish my workout, guess what happens? My lungs start to close! Crazy phenomenon, but it's the truth. So today when I started to think about losing my breath, I focused on something else, like how good I will feel when I finish, how strong I feel when I run, etc. and it worked. I can't even begin to tell you what a firm believer I am in the mind's power. If I just focus my energy on my strength during my running, I feel stronger immediately, even if I'm doing the same thing.

Today was relatively easy. It sounds strange to say that, considering how hard last week was, but I really think that when I'm tougher mentally, I'm tougher physically. Of course I still listen to my body and I would stop if it started screaming, but the little things are just that.... they're little. I'm starting to believe that running is teaching me huge metaphorical lessons - what do you think?

So the results today are pretty much the same as last time - 2.31 in 31 minutes, but I am doing a harder workout. Next time I will increase my distance and I'm looking forward to it! This is what I came home to: It's like spring and winter are fighting with each other over who gets to stick around!!

Oh! I almost forgot.. I am registering for my first official 5K on June 12. It's to celebrate McKay-Dee Hospital's 100th year of Healing, and it starts at the park right by my house and goes clear down to the new McKay Dee Hospital. That gives me 6 weeks to get ready - so now I HAVE to stick to my schedule, no matter what. I am super excited and I can't wait to cross the finish line!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yet Again...

I know you're all just dying to know if I made it through my final workout from week four, right? I don't actually know if anyone reads this so I may be talking to myself, but anyway... I did make it through it, but it didn't feel good at all. So I'm going to repeat it yet again before moving on. It's hard sometimes to hold myself back when I really want to keep going, but I have to remember that my body is trying to tell me it's not ready when I can't get through it. :)

This may be TMI, but Aunt Flo showed up yesterday so maybe that's why I've been struggling this week. I don't really know - I will gladly take any input on the matter? I know my lungs wouldn't open up this week, but my body also felt quite sluggish and the combination is just not one for success, so maybe that's all it is, and I can move on next week knowing I will do much better!

Until next week!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Week Four - Elation, Accomplishment, Frustration and Restraint.

Those four words pretty much describe my entire week. It is incredible to think that I experienced each word in its direct order throughout my workouts this past week, and it is quite an amazing situation when I'm on the treadmill and my mind is fighting my body. It's an almost out of body experience - I feel like I have no direct say in what goes on with my body while I'm on that treadmill. I can only intervene and ask permission to continue, which is what my mind wants, but my body? Let's just say it wants the complete opposite!

Week Four's Workout is as follows:

Brisk 5 minute warm up walk, then:

- Jog 1/4 mile (3 minutes)
- Walk 1/8 mile (90 seconds)
- Jog 1/2 mile (5 minutes)
- Walk 1/4 mile (2-1/2 minutes)
- Jog 1/4 mile (3 minutes)
- Walk 1/8 mile (90 seconds)
- Jog 1/2 mile (5 minutes)

Day One: I am very, very nervous and apprehensive about what I'm going to do today. Five minutes of jogging seems like such a long time, and I hope I can do it. We exercised in the lower level of the gym today, and for some reason I feel stronger down there - there aren't as many people so maybe that's why. Anyway, I put on my inspirational song by Seether (Rise Above This) as I'm warming up and it gets me pumped up. As I go into the first stretch, I'm feeling great. My lungs are nice and clear, and my legs feel strong and full of energy. I walk the 1/8 mile, and then it's time for the 5 minutes. I mentally prepare myself and then, like Nike would say, I just did it. Simple as that. I remember thinking, "Well that was easy!"

I continued on through the entire workout with great energy, great focus, and great strength. As I finished that last 5 minute stretch, I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. If any of the other treadmillers caught a glimpse of me, they would have thought I was insane. I felt such an enormous sense of accomplishment at this point. It's like I'm making these giant leaps day by day, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's a feeling I feel I will never be able to put into words. My results for today: 2.25 miles in 30 minutes.

Day Two: Pretty much the same as day one. I complete the workout with ease - I can feel the strength in my legs intensify with each move and each breath, and I focus on that. I feel that strength radiate into my soul, and it powers me on to accomplish this great task, and also in other aspects of my life. I am gaining confidence in myself and my abilities, and it shows.

Day Three: Then the walls come crashing down. The day is a little overcast today, and I wonder if it's affecting my mood and energy. Nevertheless, I continue on to the trusty treadmill. Today I have a partner with me, who I like to think is inspired by my blog, but she says she has been praying for someone or something to help her live a healthier lifestyle, and maybe this is it. Regardless, I am flattered, and more than willing to be a part of that change. We get to the gym and I once again put on my startup workout song by Seether. It pumps me up on my warmup walk, and I'm feeling good. Then I start the 3 minute segment. It seems harder today than normal, but I push on.

During the first 5 minute segment I feel as if time has slowed down, and even though I'm moving fast, everything else is moving slowly. I try to focus on that strength that powers me, but instead of strength today I feel fatigue - yet I push past it and entice my body to feel stronger. At 3-1/2 minutes, my lungs start to give me trouble, and I know I'm in for a real struggle now. I find myself in that battle with my mind and body, and I find myself begging my lungs to let me continue. I want so badly to be able to continue on to next week, and I can't do that if I can't make it through this workout. Finally I compromise, and at 4 minutes, I slow to my fast walk.

But my lungs are not done with their battle yet. They continue to inflame and I can feel each bronchiole slowly closing off with each step I take. At this point I am so frustrated, and I want to continue on but I start to acknowledge that my body is going to win this one. I know what will happen if I don't stop, and I really don't want to make a scene in the gym, especially since I left my inhaler home today. So I give in and slow my walk even more. I accept that for today, 1.5 miles in 22 minutes will have to be good enough.

As I drive home, I know I have two options. I can choose to be frustrated and upset that I couldn't accomplish my workout today, especially after making so much progress during the week, or I can choose to accept and appreciate the fact that my body told me when it could handle no more. I learned an important lesson in yoga yesterday. I can hate the things in my life that I can't control, expending useless and obscene amounts of energy, or I can merely accept them, acknowledge they are there, and live with them.

Today I have chosen the latter, and it feels good knowing that I listened. It looks like I will have to repeat this workout one more day this week, but it feels good making that decision. I know that I will "Rise Above This" in the words of Seether, and somehow knowing that makes it so much easier.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week Three

The Workout: Brisk 5 minute warm up walk. Then 2 repetitions of the following:
- Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
- Walk 200 yard (or 90 seconds)
- Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
- Walk 400 yards (or 3 minutes)

Seems easy enough, but as we will find out, I did not learn my lesson from week 2.

Day One: The weather really is beautiful out, and I am itching to get outside, so I decide to give it one more shot. This time, I'm going to stay level and go the west, so I will be going downhill. The results? I did it, but I did not go as fast as I should have, ending up with 1.5 miles in 27 minutes for today. Still, at least I'm doing it.

Day Two: The weather is icky again (it's actually snowing!) and we have some really bad news. The treadmill needs a new belt, so at the moment it is unusable. Now, honestly, how many of you readers would feel like giving up, or giving yourself a break until it's fixed? I know I sure did. In fact, I skipped my workout that day. It felt great when I did, but I later regretted it. Big time. I feel like I let myself down. I have a gym membership, and I could have used it. But I was unwilling to defy one little challenge and I let myself go. What does this say about me as a person? This is something I definitely need to change.

After acknowledging my transgression, I made up my workout, completing 1.75 miles in 27 minutes. Maybe that burning desire to FINISH this fueled the longer distance. All I know is that it feels good.

Day Three: I again increased my mileage, obtaining 1.88 miles in 27 minutes. At the beginning of the week, it was very hard to jog for 3 minutes, and I will admit I had to push an extra workout in this week, just to keep up. I feel like I am pushing my lungs harder than I ever have before, and it's so rough some days. I am being very careful not to overdo it, because I do not want to be held back by an injury of any kind.

I have started drinking a post workout smoothie and it really helps. I am also doing yoga once or twice a week, and it helps keep my hamstrings and hip flexors nice and loose, as they seem to get very tight while I'm jogging. I have more energy, and have actually dropped a pant size. I haven't lost any weight, but it seems my body is thinning out in all the right places. I am gaining more confidence in myself, and overall life is pretty great!

Week Two

Week 2 Workout: Brisk 5 minute warm up walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and 2 minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

Day One: It is a little intimidating to think that I will be jogging for 1-1/2 minutes nonstop. Most people would laugh at this, but as an asthmatic, that fear of my lungs closing up is a real one, and I have never really tried or been able to jog for this long. I want very much for my body to cooperate with me and I am afraid of my lungs interfering with my progress.

I soon find that it is completely achievable, and I complete my first workout of the week in 30 minutes, going a total of 2 miles. YES!!! I am on top of the world right now, and to top it off, my jeans are already starting to fit a little better. There is no greater reward right now in my mind.

Day Two: Almost identical results: 1.9 miles in 29 minutes. I cannot even begin to describe the level of accomplishment I am feeling - and the empowerment within myself knowing that I can DO this! It's a superb confidence builder.

Day Three: The weather is getting nicer out, so I decide to try an outdoors run. BAD idea!! I live on the east bench of the Wasatch Mountains in Ogden, UT and my neighborhood is VERY hilly. Nevertheless, I tried to run on a level stretch and I honestly felt like I was dragging concrete behind me. I had to turn around and go home before I finished my workout, which was frustrating. Although when I got home I found that there was a storm on the way, which explained why I couldn't breathe - the air was heavy, and boy did I pay for that run!

I think I'll stick to the treadmill until I get through this program, then go from there. :)

Week One

Week One:

The Workout: Brisk 5 minute warm up walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. This is to be done 3 days throughout the week, preferably with a day of rest in between.

I am excited, but nervous. I like knowing that I have options, and that my workout will change week to week, so I will never know what to expect, and therefore I will not get bored. Plus, it's only 20 minutes. Totally doable, right?

Day One: I get dressed and do some quick stretches. I take my waterbottle, phone, and ipod and place them on the old but trusty treadmill we own. I need to find some good workout music, so I start with a party playlist made a few years ago for my birthday. Pretty good, although I definitely need to make a workout playlist - you can most certainly tell I do not workout often!

I start out at a moderate pace, walking for my warmup. I'm feeling pretty good! I make it through the workout, and my lungs don't hurt at all. I have to say I was pretty impressed with my ability. I feel like I could have done more, and it feels great!

Day Two: Really, really hard to get going! It's not that I'm in pain, but I just don't have the motivation this time. I give myself a little pep talk and tell myself that the hardest part is getting dressed. Once I make it through that I can do anything, and it turns out I am right! I'm a lot more sluggish today though and though I am doing the same workout it takes me 8 minutes longer. I'm a little frustrated with my body but not defeated, and that's what counts.

Day Three: Again, it's hard to get going but today I do a little envisioning. I imagine how good I will feel knowing I completed my first set of 3 in one week, and I imagine my jeans fitting a little bit better. That's enough motivation to get me dressed and on the treadmill, and I even improved my time by 3 minutes! Whoo hoo!!

At the end of week one I am feeling good - the workouts were simple to complete and my lungs did not give me one bit of trouble. I am starting to think I can really do this, and it's a great feeling!

As promised, here is the link to the Couch Potato to 5K website:

Now on to week 2.

And So It Begins...

In order to understand what I am about to do, you must first understand a few things about me:

1. I have never EVER in my life jogged, skipped, shuffled, or run one mile without stopping.

2. I have never in my life done any form of cardiovascular exercise, aside from softball in the 4th grade.

Why? I have asthma, and I have let it hold me back. I could give you a bunch of excuses as to why my asthma has held me back, but let's be adults here. I have LET it hold me back. Asthma is not a person; therefore it cannot be blamed. Sure, it can contribute to my failures, but it is not wholly to blame. I am.

So what am I about to do? I am going to take a journey, as an asthmatic, from Couch Potato to 5K. I ran across this a while back and thought it would be fun to try, and what better place to start than a couch potato - it could very well be equivalent to an asthmatic, right?

The truth is, I want to do something a lot of people, including myself, would never expect me to be able to do, just so I can say I did it. I have actually already started this program and am in week 4. I was thinking yesterday while on the treadmill that I should blog my experiences and what I have learned so far. It has been an amazing journey to this point and I know it will only get better.

I don't know if this will be interesting for other people to read, but at least it's a kind of diary for me to track my experiences and feelings throughout this process that I feel will be life-changing. I will not let myself down and am looking forward to the finish line!

For those of you who want to "see" the transformation, I will attach a picture of me closest to the time I started the Couch Potato to 5K program near the end of January 2010. I will post a link to the actual website's program on each post so readers can check it out if they choose to do so.

Here we go!!