Friday, July 13, 2012

Meditation Moment

I don't always get the time (or take the time) to meditate, but today I was reminded of how important it is, and how beneficial it can be to the mind, body, and spirit.  

Throughout the week, I tend to get very busy and put yoga aside, but I have been intentionally making time for it the past couple of weeks on Friday mornings, and I'm loving it.  My backyard is a mess but it's my own personal space where I can connect with myself harmoniously through nature.  

Today, it's overcast, hot, and muggy, but the slight breeze is quite cooling and the overcast sky makes a great cover for the heat, and lets the subdued colors of nature resonate with my practice.  I start out by taking a few deep breaths in half lotus, then move on to Sun Salutations, following the music and letting my body connect with the movements.  I'm feeling a deep connection to my practice, and I acknowledge it and give thanks for the moment.  

As I move through each asana, I feel a sense of release - of tension, of hurt, disappointment, stress... all of the negative emotions I experience throughout the week are simply exiting my body through my breath.  

As I near the end of my practice, I take a comfortable seat back in half lotus and prepare for meditation with one of my favorite Yoga Rhythm songs.  I close my eyes, inhale deeply and let the air fill my body.  I exhale fully and feel my body and mind begin to relax.  As I continue to breathe, I remind myself silently to simply let myself exist in this moment - there is nothing I need to do but just "be."  

Many of you can probably relate to this moment, and you also know that it's the next moments that make meditation "hard."  Instead of guiding my mind through my breath, I decided to try something different - I let my mind wander as I continued to breathe deeply.  As thoughts entered my mind, I explored how the people and situations I encountered this week made me feel, and I used my breath to release any negative emotions I was having.  It was a truly enlightening experience.  After a time, I found that my mind was able to rest, and exist quietly with my breath, absorbing the music and absorbing the nature around me.  

As my favorite song came to a conclusion ten minutes later, I quietly brought my hands together in front of my heart, and took a few more moments to give thanks to the people and moments in my life that make me truly happy.  I then concluded with a Namaste to them, to nature, and to my existence.  

Meditation is different for everyone - some of you may read this and think I'm weird, and that's okay.  Others may understand every word and relate it to their own experiences, and that's okay too.  No matter how you feel about me, about yoga, or about meditation - find that healing force in your life, and use it.  Connect with it daily, or even weekly, and remind yourself what makes you happy.  Give thanks to it and watch your life become a more positive and empowering existence.  


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