Saturday, July 21, 2012

A New Hippie?

I am frequently told that I'm a hippie, or more often, granola.  What's strange is that I am okay being called a hippie, but I hate being called a granola - not sure why, I love granolas too!  Maybe it's the fact that I don't drive a Subaru or wear Birkenstocks.  

So what is a hippie?  Most times, after being called a hippie or granola, those same individuals go on to tell me that the only reason I'm not is because I dress too stylishly to be a "true" hippie.  Talk about stereotyping!!  I don't actually know the real definition of a true hippie, but I'm happy to be called one.  Ever since I was little, my mother always told me that like her, I am a "free spirit".  This has always made me feel a little special - different, and it's a unique bond I share with my mother.  

Through my yoga practice, I have become very close to nature, and I strongly value my connection to the Earth, as well as the Sun.  It is a connection that is very hard to describe - I feel at one with these entities, and they energize me and give me light.  I love camping and always have - as well as hiking, lying on the beach, or just about anything that allows me to spend time in the sun.  I also focus heavily on eating things that come from the earth.  I do eat fish mostly, and chicken occasionally, but my diet is made up mostly of fruits, vegetables, and eggs.  

I think the bigger reason people associate me with hippiedom (?) is my unfiltered mind, and my positive, optimistic attitude.  I say what I think, when I'm thinking it, and a lot of times I find I think differently than the majority of people. Sometimes this gets me in trouble - but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I also have a hard time conforming - I have to believe that what I'm doing is right, deep down inside.  It is nearly impossible for me to do something just because others think it's great or since "everyone is doing it."  There is a childish part of me that snickers inwardly whenever I'm going against the grain.  :)  I'm also very peace-oriented.  Why can't we all just get along? 

I don't know if anyone cares to even read this - but I'm starting to learn that blogging is more for me than anyone else - it's good sometimes to get the thoughts that are floating around in my head down on paper (or in this case, the Internet).  


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