Friday, February 22, 2013

Week Three: Equanimity

I learned something pretty enlightening this past week.  

In week 2, I craved sugar like crazy and I couldn't figure out why.  As I was reading through the lesson for week 3, I learned something incredibly powerful, having to deal with equanimity, or accepting things and letting them go.  It was like Baron Baptiste himself read my mind - because he targeted sugar cravings specifically in week 3.  

Equanimity has to do with our reactions, both internally and externally.  When we are dealing with a stressful situation, our body and our minds react, and this week's focus was to begin to acknowledge those reactions and determine how we might react differently to better our lives.  In week 2, I was dealing with a particularly stressful situation.  I felt that I had been wronged by someone and wasn't sure why, so it was eating me up inside.  I tend to take it very personally when I feel I didn't do anything to deserve being "attacked."  

In week 3, there is a strong focus around our bodies reactions - one being that when we are dealing with a stressful situation, our bodies subconsciously begin to crave comfort, most times taking shape in the place of foods, either sweet or salty.  I have always had a passionate love affair with sugar, so of course I craved it like crazy.  When I read this, a HUGE light went on.  I never once figured that stress and my sugar cravings were so closely connected!  Once the connection was made, it was easy to turn "off" the craving by simply acknowledging it, breathing through it, and letting it go.  Amazing!  

I have continued to deepen and enjoy my yoga practice this week, and I'm still struggling, but trying to do each meditation.  I did have my first "out of body" experience - it was strange!  It only lasted for a very brief moment, because my ego came right in and realized what was happening, so of course it stopped.  But I am continuing to focus on quieting my mind - I'm finding that daily meditation is helping my life in so many ways.  I am not so focused on what needs to be done as I am enjoying the present - to an extent.  I do realize I have priorities, but I'm able to let the little things wait, and that's a nice feeling.  I am deepening my relationships, and opening my heart to more love.  It's truly beautiful!  

Here are some of the pics from week 3.  I discovered a new timer app for my iPhone that I've been having a lot of fun with so there are more pics this week - Enjoy!

Utkatasana - Chair Pose

Salamba Sarvangasana - Shoulderstand

Bridge Pose - Starting to deepen my backbends!

Dancer - Feeling the LOVE on Valentine's Day!

Open Your Heart - Let Possibility In

Our Valentine's Day Dinner - A rare red meat day, but it was delish!
I tried my hand at pan-searing steaks for my honey for Valentine's Day.  I went with organic steaks since it's been so long since having red meat, and they turned out really well, except for the oil all over my kitchen!  I paired it with caramelized onion mashed red potatoes and roasted asparagus, with chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.  It was a lot of work but he loved it.  I will be updating the Foodie Love page with some new recipes shortly, and I will be sure to include this one.  

Until next week!  

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