Friday, January 25, 2013

A 40 Day Journey

A couple of months ago I was catapulted into a transition period.  It took me a while to figure out what was happening - but when I realized that my mind, body, and soul were screaming for change I decided to take a look at my life.  

What I found was an incredible imbalance.  Over the past year, I have devoted the majority of my time and energy to my career - which is something I think we all do at one point or another.  A big slap in the face came when my husband referred to 2012 as the worst year of our relationship.  And I realized it was true.  We struggled emotionally, financially, and physically.  It was awful.  But thankfully we both have the ability to acknowledge and move on - and we both feel that 2013 has some amazing things in store for us.  

It was about this time I started having very vivid and disturbing dreams, and I began using to analyze them.  It has been an amazingly helpful tool and what I found was pretty enlightening.  My dreams were telling me I needed to make a change.  For my life, my health, and my marriage, as well as financially.  My subconscious was screaming at me to find balance, because the road I was traveling down was a treacherous one.  My dreams/subconscious also let me know that this journey would be a very emotional one, should I choose to take it.  

I have to say it was a scary time - and led me to make some incredibly hard decisions.  I was running my own insurance agency, and while it gave me a great sense of pride, I was worried about my clients first and foremost.  I am committed to my clients - and I absolutely did not want to do anything that effected them negatively.  I spoke with my husband and my closest friends regarding making a change, and surprisingly I was met with support, but they all strongly felt I should stay where I was at.  So I continued along the same path for a while.  The crazy thing about change is that once it enters your heart, it refuses to leave until you make the right choice.  I knew I had not.  

Going against every fiber in my brain, I decided ultimately to follow my heart.  HARDEST thing I have ever done, and I am willing to bet it will remain one of the hardest decisions I've ever made.  I walked away from my agency - but not completely.  I worked an arrangement, or "partnership" with another agent.  We combined our agencies and I now work as a producer.  So now I am doing the same thing I have always done, but I have simplified it a LOT, allowing me more freedom and balance for other areas of my life.  

After doing this, I sat down and made some goals for the year.  I looked at 5 areas and set priorities for each one - based on what was most important to me:  

1.  Family/Relationships.  
2.  Spiritual
3.  Physical Health
4.  Career
5.  Financial

Of course, these all need to be balanced equally, but I prioritized them based on what needs the most work.  The previous year looked more like this:  

1.  Career.  
2.  Career.  
3.  Career.  
4.  Relationships.
5.  Physical Health.  

Everything else was ignored completely, and in October I was slapped in the face by my body screaming out to me.  It made me stop - for a minute.  But I did not begin to find true healing within my body until I made radical changes.  Being a yoga instructor, I feel I have a good handle on balance and what it means.  I am pretty intuitive to what my body needs, but I ignored it all so much in 2012.  Hence the need for major changes in my life.  

I am a firm believer in the Universe's power.  Once you put your mind or your thought process in a certain direction, if it's the right one, the Universe conspires to make things happen for you.  Once I made these goals, I came across a book by Baron Baptiste called 40 Days to Personal Revolution - A Breakthrough Program to Radically Change Your Body and Awaken the Sacred within your Soul.  I honestly don't even remember how I came across it - only that it spoke to me and I ordered it right away.  

When I received it in the mail, a sentence in the introduction affirmed to me that this is what I needed: "You're not here by accident - you opened up this book at the right time, in the right space."  Those words were powerful!  

And so I have decided to take a 40 Day Journey - to the same me I have always been, but a me that needs healing and balance, and the me that is looking forward to a brighter future with more balance.  

In the book, he asks that we keep a journal, so I am going to make weekly updates on this blog - not only for my own record, but if anything I learn can be an inspiration to others, then that is my goal.  If you'd like, you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram as well for daily updates and photos, @mylivenatural on Twitter, and livenaturalgirl on Instagram.  

By committing to updates, I am committing to this program, and committing to myself.  So I thank you in advance for your support!  


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