Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Bucket List

This is something I have had for a while, and something I like to update every year or so... I thought why not post it? What actually inspired my "bucket list" was the movie, "A Walk to Remember" based on the book written by Nicholas Sparks, one of my favorite authors. So read it if you want to, make your own, or just think about it! It's a great way to make sure you're living the life you want right now, instead of just thinking about it.

I have placed an X by the things I have accomplished. :)

1. Learn how to drive a motorcycle.

2. Ride a motorcycle on Route 66. X

3. Learn how to scuba dive or snorkel. X

4. Learn how to surf.

5. Learn how to snowboard. X

6. Learn how to waterski. X

7. Conquer a fear: Water.

8. Be independent. X

9. Buy a house.

10. Decorate an entire house. X

11. Help a needy child. X

12. Buy a handbag in Paris.

13. Go to Italy. Go to Rome and tour the famous architecture there, including St. Peter's Square and the Vatican.

14. Go to Austria and see the Vienna Boys Choir perform in the Imperial Chapel in Vienna.

15. See the Vienna Boys Choir. X

16. See the Statue of Liberty.

17. Go to a pro football game.

18. Meet Martina McBride.

19. Record a song.

20. Write a song. X

21. Sing for more than 1,000 people at one time. X

22. Go to college. X

23. Graduate from college.

24. Date 100 people. X

25. Go to Israel.

26. Read the Bible.

27. Read the Book of Mormon. X

28. Have long hair. X

29. Sing in the Tabernacle Choir.

30. Be a flight attendant. Almost.. I interviewed, and then decided it was something I didn't want to do.

31. Host a party. X

32. Learn Karate. X

33. Be in a swimsuit contest. X

34. Play in the rain. X

35. Go to Mexico. X

36. Buy a sportscar.

37. Take a photography class.

38. Adopt a child.

39. Raise a family.

40. Fall in love. X

41. Go shopping in New York City.

42. Go to the opera.

43. Climb a radio tower. X

44. Own a pair of stilettos. X

45. Eat sushi. X

46. Stay in an expensive hotel. X

47. Save a life. X

48. Go to the temple.

49. Learn about a different culture. X

50. Own a Jeep.

51. Own a truck. X

52. Learn how to dance: Swing X

Latin X
Ballet X
Hip-hop X

53. Teach a class. X

54. Inspire someone. X

55. Go to South America.

56. Be successful. X

57. Go rock climbing. X

58. Go to the Garden of Gethsemane.

59. Be a model. X

60. Act in a play. X

61. Write a book. X - Not finished... a work in progress.

62. Publish a poem or essay. X

63. Run a half marathon.

64. Learn how to golf. 

65. Ride a horse. X

66. Ride a camel across sand dunes.

67. Go off-roading in Moab.

68. See the Narrows in Southern Utah. X

69. See the Arches. X

70. Drive a 63 Corvette with a split window.

71. Ride an elephant.

72. Act in a movie.  X

73. Go to a Broadway show. X

74. Hike through Kolob Canyon. X

75. Go to a ballet. X

76. Be a mother.

77. Own a store.

78. Go on a cruise. X

79. See an old southern plantation. X

80. Get married. X

82. Move across the country.

83. Go to a movie alone.

84. Drive across the country.

85. Tour Europe.

86. Adopt a puppy. X

87. Go to a cemetery in Europe.

88. Tour Versailles and the Arc de Triumphe in France. And the Louvre would be pretty cool.

89. Go to London.

90. Buy a pair of really expensive shoes.

91. Own a purple Softail Harley... deep purple only when the sun shines.

92.  Build a successful business from the ground up.

93.  Sing karaoke.

94.  Climb a mountain.

95.  Climb to Ben Lomond Peak 

96.  Run a full marathon.

97.  Practice yoga in Bali.

98.   Go to India.

99.  Learn and practice Astanga yoga.

100.  Become a yoga instructor.  X

1 comment:

  1. Hey I didn't know you had a blog, so I'm glad you left a comment on my blog. I miss you too! I hope you're doing great.
